Rattle a Researcher

Thank you to all the children that sent in questions in an attempt to flummox the University’s experts. From complex mathematical equations to deep philosophical questions there were some tough teasers for the University’s academics to sink their teeth into.

Callum Coles Carter, aged 8, asked ‘How long would it take to get to Mars?’

Dr Sean McGee, Lecturer in Astrophysics, enlightens us…

Daniel Wakefield, aged 6, would like to know: ‘Are there such things as four dimensional shapes?’

Guillem Perarnau Llobet, a Research Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics, explained…

The University has experts in everything from dinosaurs to dentistry, physics to philosophy, so if there are any questions to which you have always wanted the answer – now is the time to ask!

To enter submit your child’s question please include your child’s name, and age (under 18s only); plus your own name, address, degree subject and year of graduation (if applicable) by 31 May 2016.